My son recently colored on our carpet with a Black Sharpie Marker. We actually managed to remove it with rubbing alcohol, paper towels, a toothbrush, and lots of blotting.
We started by pouring rubbing alcohol on the stain.
We then used a toothbrush.
We then blotted with a paper towel. We were careful to blot and not to rub it in more.
We then repeated soaking it with alcohol, using the toothbrush, and blotting several times.
Eventually, we lifted the stain! It took about a half hour for us to work the stain out.
Finally, let me tell you that I am not a professional carpet cleaner, so you should always consult a professional before doing anything! Feel welcome to mention my post to them when you describe your specific type of carpet, color of carpet, and other details to ask if this approach may possibly work for you. Also, be cautious to blot with the paper towel and do NOT rub the stain in more.
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