WONDER PARK is the animated story of a young girl named June with a big imagination who makes an incredible discovery—the amusement park of her dreams has come to life. Filled with the world’s wildest rides operated by fun-loving animals, the excitement never ends. But when trouble hits, June and her misfit team of furry friends begin an unforgettable journey to save the park. Action-packed and brimming with laughs, WONDER PARK is a ride the whole family will love.Here is a quick preview of the movie.
This is the perfect movie to watch after the school year ends. My son started to create his own theme park after watching the movie. It's on paper now, but he plans to use cardboard and other craft supplies to make a 3D mockup of his theme park. It's a fun way to start summer as this movie and project inspire creativity and Engineering skills. You'll definitely appreciate the multiple layers of entertainment that this movie inspires!
You'll find the movie at stores nationwide. Here is a direct link to order it on Amazon.
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